It's been awhile since I last prayed seriously. Because of the acad load and org activities for the past months, praying has been on the rocks for me. Yeah. It's not an excuse's all I can think of. Probably, I don't give enough time. I keep on telling Him about what's been happening..and the most important thing I forget to do is listen to Him and know who He truly is, as what I've realized in my SD sessions with Bro. Bros. ( has also been three months since my last session). But during the middle of the schoolyear, I start listening to what He's telling me.
So I went out instead. And I appreciated even more what is around home, in school, in ictus, csc choir, upsec, everywhere. Even though some moments make you want to fall apart, I still have faith as almost everyone around me have.
But now is the best time to talk to Him again. I just did. It made me have a different view of the things or changes happening now. It really depends how we adapt to these changes..if you're willing to make new things along with that fight or to allow these changes to lose the good things that you already have.
Although I know we can't have everything. But..I guess I prefer fighting and getting hurt in the end than regretting something I should have done.