Argh! I’m being dramatic again. That’s why I’m so glad I saw Tin (my orgmate in ictus) after her law interview. I really enjoyed my afternoon because of her. =) And this Friday, I’ll be seeing Angel, one of my closest friends in the org. Haha..I just realized that we have a picture together.
That was taken last October. We went to Sta. Lucia to visit Ryan and Angel’s ice cream store/stall. And I have to treat Angel this Friday as a post-celebration of her birthday. Last year, we watched “Meet the Fockers” then ate in Burgoos. It was so funny cause in the movie, Dustin Hoffman kept on saying about eating chimichanga, which is also the free appetizer served in Burgoos. I guess we took it as a sign. =) So I’m so psyched where we would go next.
I’m still waiting for the official approval from the university registrar to substitute my Math courses to GE. As always, the registrar is thrilled to keep students waiting for their announcements. And to think that the last day of registration for the summer is tomorrow! So I must know asap if I need to enroll for two MST subjects or not. Although Tin told me not to worry since it’s already approved by the Math dept and Educ, I just want to be sure everything would be okay before I (hopefully) graduate next sem. I don’t want to be delayed even more because of that.
What I want to do this summer:
- Find summer tutorial work..I still don’t know where. I need to ask help from LA and Maite about it.
- Enroll in a driving school along katipunan
- Read, read, and read about teaching children with autism or mental retardation..just to prepare for my practicum
I really want to make the most out of the time I have, especially this summer. After practicum, my mama wants me to go to the States until December. Wow. At first I was hesitant to go. I don’t know why. Maybe I want to work right away when given the opportunity. But then again, my sister told me I need a break from all the acads and org activities that I had. So, I’ll stay there until my birthday. Turning 22. Wow. I can’t believe it. But it would be interesting to celebrate my birthday in a different place and with my relatives in the States. Something new for a change. Ever since last school year started, I’ve been trying to do some things I’ve never done before. Yeah. I still get scared..most of the time really. But, what the heck. I have nothing to lose so might as well do it. =)
My last entry, Silence, is for my grandmother who passed away that time. And a lot of us were overwhelmed by it, for so many reasons. Please kindly pray for her and her family as well. =)